

Everything you need to know about the color Kelly Green | Hex Code


Kelly Green has the hex code #4CBB16. The color is named after a common Irish surname and is also representative of the beautiful lush green landscape of Ireland.

As a true middle green, Kelly green is a color of renewal, nature, and energy, associated with growth and the environment. It can also be symbolic of money, ambition, and greed.
Kelly green adds a bright, dramatic punch and should be used in controlled doses. It can be paired with other shades of green and with toned-down adjacent hues in the color wheel, such as yellows and oranges or blues and violets.

Information about Kelly Green / #4CBB17

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #4CBB17 is made of 29.8% red, 73.3% green, and 9% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #4CBB17 is made of 59% cyan, 0% magenta, 88% yellow, and 27% black. Kelly Green has a hue angle of 100.6 degrees, a saturation of 78.1%, and a lightness of 41.2%.


Meaning of kelly green color

A true representative of Green shade, Kelly green color well defines nature. It is known as the color of liveliness, wildlife, and landscape. The Kelly-green tone is strongly associated with scenery and environmental growth. It can be a symbolic representation of determination, greediness, and money.

History of kelly green color

Kelly green is an intense shade of green color that supposedly got its name from the native family of Ireland, after the great inspiration by the lush green landscapes. There is nothing complicated about imagining the originality of Kelly-green color from Ireland as the color Green and Kelly are quite famous there.  For the very first time, the use of Kelly-Green color as a color name in English was recorded in 1917.

Kelly Green Color Code

The hexadecimal color #4CBB17 has RGB values of R: 29.8, G: 73.3, B: 9 and CMYK values of C: 0.59, M: 0, Y: 0.88, K:0.27.

Variation of kelly green color

If you are looking for some different hues of Kelly-Green color, then Neon Green, Green, and Seafoam Green is the best variation of Kelly-Green color. Midnight Green, Paris Green, and Persian Green are some other famous hues of Kelly green color.

Color contrast with kelly green color

Kelly’s color is effectively used to add a bit bright and dramatic impact. It goes amazingly well with all the shades of green. Blue, Orange, violet, and yellow color are the best contrasting colors and can be used with Kelly-Green color.

Electric yellow Green and Deep teals are also the best contrast and can ideally be used to give a contemporary look.

Where to use kelly green color?

Kelly green color is such an eye-catching color, and its small chunks can be used to grab the attention of architectural material, and any other spot of your house that you want to put in the limelight. The color looks fantastic in the cantilevered windows or draws intention towards the first lines of contemporary homes. 

You can use this color in the dining room table to give it a completely lively and refreshing look. Kelly-green tiles of the floors or the countertop of the kitchen are more in trend now.


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